Show Me Your Code

A lightning talk on Minsk.rb on how to show examples of your code when you apply for a job (in Russian).

Quick summary:

  • Send a link to GitHub, not a zip archive or Google Drive shared folder.
  • Make sure you have a great commit history.
  • Clean up your code (remove commented code, remove debug output, etc).
  • Give context about the code in readme or code comments, highlight most interesting parts.
  • If your project is under NDA make an extract that shows something about your skill.

Rails: The Good Parts

Developers nowadays tend to blame Rails and DHH because they encourage bad practices that lead to a bad code. This is true but there are many good things in Rails we rarely use that help us to write good maintainable code. I show bad examples in popular opensource projects and show you features of Rails that can be used to avoid their mistakes.

Dima is on stage, red panda on slide looking suspicious, speach buble says "1097?"

Photo by Taras Bovt.

Slides: rails-the-good-parts.pdf (on Speaker Deck).

Ethereum Smart Contracts

Рассказываю об Этереуме и смарт контрактах для рубистов с точки зрения разработчика. Что такое смарт контракт и как его запрограммировать, что такое токен в Этереуме и как создать свой, какие функции есть у языка, а каких нет.

Слайды: ethereum-smart-contracts.pdf (на Спикер Дек).