datarockets/infrastructure v0.2.2

nginx-ingress upgraded to 0.10.0 (nginx’ version is 1.21.1)

cert-manager upgraded to 1.4.1


  • It is possible now to use service_accounts parameter for k8s/basic module in order to configure annotations for service accounts. It is useful for AWS’ managed cluster in order to link service accounts with IAM roles and policies.
  • cert-manager no longer create separate ingresses to server ACME challenge in order to acquire the TLS certificate. nginx-ingress can’t merge different ingresses for the same host without a special setup.

Subject: Meetup Announcement for February 28, 2013

Hi everyone,

Folks, I’ve been thinking about this for some time and have decided to organize a corporate meetup. We all are working on different projects with different technologies (e.g. mysql, postgres, mongodb) and 100% we learn something new every week. However, when someone meet a proplem that another person had not so long ago, they had to solve it from beginning. It’s good if they ask about it in a chat, but if not — quite some time gets wasted. So I got an idea to organize weekly corporate meetups where we could share knowledge and experience, invent new ideas for our (mini-)startups and just talk about technical and non-technical topics.

This Thursday (February 28, 2013) at 18:30 in big meeting room we’ll have the first meetup, where we will certanly discuss pros and cons of code reviews and discuss about ideal company and about things we wish to have in Twinslash (prepare your questions ;)). All topics are related to everyone, not only rubysts.

I imaging a format like this: short talks for 5-10 minutes and discussions. I don’t think we need exact rules. Everyone who wants to present something or share something with everyone may prepare a talk and present it. It’s even possible to announce your topic right on the meetup and improvise ;). While we don’t have a whiteboard and a projector in the meeting room, all our presentations will be verbal. I think it’s even better. Perhaps we’ll bring whiteboard from Artek room.

I wait everyone on Thursday in the big meeting room with a short presentation about a topic you’re insterested in or just with good mood.

Reply me with any ideas or suggestions for meetups. If you want someone to make a talk about something — just ask them.

First version of tau is released. Tau is a tool for web designers who want to build websites using modern technologies such as haml, scss, coffee script and others.

Disassembled old LAN in the BSU dormitory №3 that was closed in 2011. Made it possible to reuse old cables and switches.

Long hall with tangled LAN cables

Billing Panel For Home Internet Provider

The goal is to provide clients from a local network access to the internet, limit download traffic and bandwith for each client.

screenshot of the billing panel showing how much traffic remaining

Technical Details

Server machine has 2 Ethernet connection: to local network and to the internet. I configured a VPN server using pptpd and configured NAT in Linux kernel firewall using iptables.

User logins and passwords are stored in a database in a MySQL server.

pptpd uses FreeRADIUS for authentication and freeradius-mysql with custom configuration to pull login and password from the database. I had to additionally configure radiusclient to support MS-CHAP so clients with Windows can connect.

ulog-acctd was configured to monitor IP packets and write an aggregated log file in needed format: timestamp source_ip destination_ip bytes.

A script is written to parse ulog’s log file and update traffic used by a user in the database. This script is lauched by cron every minute.

Additionally, the script checks if user’s limit is exceeded and kills particular session (ip addr show & kill cat /var/run/

In order to limit bandwidth I mark all the packets coming to VPN IP addresses and use tc to configure limits. This code is executed in an ip-up script.


  • Backend & Linux Administration: Dmitry Zhlobo
  • User Interface: Eugene Zhlobo

billing.tar.gz (modified on March 2021, docker-compose.yml is added to run it easy on modern computers, texts were translated to English, database.sql contains database migrations code).

Tag cloud generator is implemented on PHP 4.

Screnshot of the script with tags

tags.tar.gz (modified on January 2019, docker-compose.yml added to run it easily on modern computers).

Launched a website with news about computers and technologies.

Screenshot of the email sent from Dmitry Zhlobo to a friend sharing a link to

P.S. “isq” on the screenshot above means ICQ.